
Admin Building
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra has A administrative building having classrooms, audio visual hall.

Bio Control Lab
This laboratory produces & provides different biological products such as bio pesticides on no profit & no loss basis.
Plant Health Clinic – Farmers comes with pest affected plants & after identification of those affected plants eco- friendly advice is given.


Farmers Hostel

Soil Lab
This laboratory analyses soil, water, samples at free of cost from the farmers.
The laboratory is supported with computer software for more precise interpretation of results.
Every soil sample is analyzed for eight parameters such as pH, Electric Conductivity, Organic Carbon, available Nitrogen, available Phosphorus, & available Potassium, Exchangeable Sodium, Calcium & Magnesium content.
KVK also has a mobile soil and water testing laboratory for availing the facility at farmers’ doorstep.

Apiry Unit

Fish Rearing Unit
KVK,Khowai is having six different type of ponds suitable for practical demonstration to the trainees

Animal Farm
KVK,Khowai is having two nos of piggery units having capacity of 30 parent stock, supplying more than 200 exotic piglets per year to farmers in nominal costs, training and demonstrations are done at these farm. Small dairy unit is also maintained for demonstration purpos.

Guest House
The KVK is having a guest house accommodating 6 nos. of guests in three rooms

Dairy Farm
KVK,Khowai have maintained a small dairy farm for training and demonstration purpose

Vermi Compost Units
KVK West is having 11 numbers of Vermicompost units which are utilized for skill development training on vermi composting and the produce from these units are used in different demonstration plots